Fannar Sveinsson

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Stöð 2

Fylltu landið af fjöri


Venjulegt fólk

Sjónvarp Símans

Haust 2019

Stöð 2 Sport

Fannar Sveinsson is a great guy, positive and honest, has a keen interest in movies, TV, current affairs and broadcasting programming. He was young when he completed studying direction and production at The Icelandic Film School and then started working at MBL TV where he made a name for himself in Fast News. Then he worked at The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service for four years in producing and broadcasting programming for various shows, but for the last few years he has increasingly more been directing and writing scripts, both for TV drama and other kinds of TV shows and TV ads. Fannar is highly skilled in movie making, but he has also skills in using the camera, lighting and building a set. Fannar is fluent in Icelandic and English, father of two children and a husband of one wife. He doesn’t smoke and has no criminal record.